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When to Include Biogenic Carbon in an LCA


生物碳核算实践在国际标准中有描述, ISO 21930, 规管建筑产品的环保产品声明(EPDs).1 生物碳被定义为“来自生物来源材料的碳,不包括埋藏在地质构造中或转化为化石的材料,也不包括泥炭。.” In the context of wood construction products, 这是树木生长过程中所吸收的碳,在其一生中继续储存在木材产品中.

ISO 21930 section 7.2.7 states:

来源于可再生资源的生物基材料含有生物碳. 在整个产品系统中,进出自然界的质量流以及生物源碳的去除和排放应作为生物源碳流进行报告……”

Specifically, 它指出,进入系统的生物碳应以-1 (i)的因子表征.e., a reduction in carbon emissions), 哪个代表树木生长过程中从大气中去除的碳. When the material burns or decays, 部分或全部储存的碳被释放回大气,必须以+1 (i)的因子来表征.e., a carbon emission). Similarly, any time a material containing biogenic carbon leaves the system, the carbon is also characterized with a factor of +1.

Simply put, when biogenic carbon enters a system, it is reported as a negative value; when it leaves the system, it is reported as a positive value. 使用这种“-1进/+1出”的会计实践符合ISO 21930,这就是设计师通常所说的“包括生物碳”.”

上述标准用语提到“源自可再生资源的生物基材料”.” This is reiterated later in the same section:

For wood, biogenic carbon may be characterized with a -1 kg CO2e/kg CO2 只有当木材来自可持续管理的森林时,进入产品系统的生物源碳才会流动(又见7中的注2).2.11).

Note 2 of Section 7.2.11 states:

可持续管理森林的概念与各自的核证制度有关,但不限于此. 其他证据,如《皇冠2登录welcome》(UNFCCC)下的国家报告,可用于确定森林碳储量稳定或增加的森林.

Under this definition, all U.S. 加拿大木材被认为来自可持续管理的森林 由于自1990年开始报告以来,每个国家的森林碳储量一直在增加. (U.S. data is per the EPA’s Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks report published in 2021.2 加拿大的数据是根据《皇冠2登录welcome》编制的.3)此外,来自美国农业部森林清查和分析项目的数据显示,美国的森林产量正在下降.S. 100多年来,森林面积一直保持稳定,这些森林的存储量在过去60年里增加了60%.4

Therefore, 基于管理生物碳核算实践的国际标准, 将生物源碳流作为LCA的一部分进行报告是适当的. This is true for all wood coming from the U.S. and Canada based on national reporting. For wood coming from other countries, 设计师可以根据第三方认证项目制定的标准指定木材来源5, per Section 7.2.11,或依赖该原产国的《皇冠2登录welcome》国家报告数据. 有关LCA和木结构建筑可持续性的更多信息,请参阅专家提示, Introduction to Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment: The Basics.

For how to include biogenic carbon in an LCA see Part 2. For specifics on how WBLCA tools account for biogenic carbon, see Part 3. 关于长期生物碳储存的额外好处的讨论,见 Part 4.

Additional Resources

Salazar, J. Carbon Leadership Forum. (2020, May). Wood Carbon Seminars: How LCA Handles Wood.

Think Wood. (2021, February). 了解隐含碳在气候智能型建筑中的作用.

1 International Organization for Standardization. (2017). 建筑和土木工程的可持续性-建筑产品和服务环境产品声明的核心规则(ISO 21930:2017).

2 Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks, Table 6-10.

3 1990-2019年国家清单报告:加拿大温室气体源和汇, Table 6-1.

4Oswalt, S. N., Miles, P. D., Pugh, S. A., & Smith, W. B. (2018). Forest Resources of the United States, 2017:支持林务局2020年更新RPA评估的技术文件. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.

5请注意,这包括按照负责任采购标准采购的产品, 如FSC控制木材标准或SFI纤维采购标准, as well as chain-of-custody standards, such as the FSC Chain-of-Custody Standard, SFI Chain-of-Custody Standard, or PEFC Chain-of-Custody Standard.